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The Hertfordshire Local Offer

"Every local authority must identify education, health and social care services in their local area provided for children, young people and families who have SEN or disabilities.  These services are then put together in an information directory called the Local Offer.  It is essentially the services and support that are offered to families who have children or young people with SEND from across the county."

The Local Offer can help you find information about:

  • Support with education
  • Courses and activities in Herts
  • Services for CYP with SEND (0-25) Click to see a one page service directories of the support available for each area of need
  • Services for parents, carers and families
  • Money
  • Education, Health and Care Plans
  • Early Years (0-5)
  • Preparing for adulthood

If you are new to the world of SEND, then knowing where to start finding support can be overwhelming.  Your child may have just been diagnosed with SEND, or may be in the process of being assessed. Or perhaps you've just started to notice that your child or young person is developing, behaving, or learning differently to their peers. The Local Offer website gives you the right information at the right time to support you and your family.


For Early Years SEND offer please follow this link